54. How to build confidence as a Luxury Bridal Artist

As a fellow luxury bridal artist, I know how important confidence is in our line of work.

That's why I wanted to share three key things that can help you build your confidence and rock your career.

  1. Keep Small Promises: Achieving even the tiniest goals boosts your confidence. Set and accomplish small targets like consistent social media posts or practicing new techniques. Building self-trust
    through fulfilling these commitments will make your confidence soar.
  2. Be Congruent: Align your thoughts, actions, and brand image with the luxury bridal artist you aspire to be. Ensure your pricing, services, and brand positioning fit the luxury market. A consistent and trustworthy image projects confidence, helping you present yourself as a top-notch luxury bridal artist.
  3. Master Communication: Effective communication is vital for success. Whether interacting with clients, vendors, or professionals, practice active listening, ask clarifying questions, and explain things clearly. Sharpening your communication skills enables you to confidently express yourself and handle any challenges.

I hope these tips inspire you to take your confidence as a luxury bridal artist to new heights.

Remember, confidence is a key ingredient in your journey to becoming an elite bridal boss. By keeping small promises, staying congruent with your brand, and mastering communication, you'll be well on your way to achieving your goals.

As always, we love hearing from our listeners. If you have any questions, suggestions, or topics you'd like us to cover in future episodes, please don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to support you on your path to success.

Stay confident, stay inspired, and keep reaching for the stars!


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Comment below on what topics to cover in upcoming episodes, and I'll be sure to share my take on it. 

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I will also cover the importance of showing up for yourself and how to watch what you say to yourself that will give you the biggest impact on you and your business

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 Thank you so much for listening and I'll talk to you soon!