71. The Driving Force Behind My Brand and Life Update

In my latest podcast episode, I'm sharing the real reason behind everything I do especially my brand. It's more than makeup—it's a mission, a passion, a journey of empowerment.

Tune in as I share the story of why I'm on this incredible ride, making makeup not just an art but a tool for confidence and self-love.

And of course, catch up with all the latest happenings in my life right now.

Plus, don't miss the live updates and an exclusive sale tonight on the game-changing BELLY BUTTON BLENDER.

It's not just a podcast; it's a celebration of beauty, inside and out.

Join me on this ride, and let's spread the joy together!

If you want to watch the full video, please click the link here


If you’re interested in registering for my next virtual makeup 101 for everyday women click here to join


  Level up your makeup game and become your own beauty expert! 

Say goodbye to endless YouTube tutorials and join my exclusive virtual makeup 101 class designed specifically for busy moms, hardworking professionals, and every woman who wants to enhance her natural features with confidence.  

With 15 years of professional makeup artistry under my belt, I'll spill all the insider tips and tricks you need to know.

Don't miss out! Register now for my upcoming virtual class.

Click here to Register for my virtual 101 Makeup class